Amav Quilt Craft Kit

Product Details
- Product Dimensions: 10.5 x 2.2 x 11 inches ; 2.2 ounces
- Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S. and to APO/FPO addresses. For APO/FPO shipments, please check with the manufacturer regarding warranty and support issues.
- ASIN: B004C03WFY
- Item model number: A2498
By : Amav

Product Description
From the Manufacturer
A wonderful kit for learning patchwork techniques and making various accessories. Children will enjoy making a patchwork cushion, eyeglass case and holder for hot pots. The kit includes material in a variety of colors, synthetic stuffing, a sewing kit and simple instructions for learning quilting techniques.
Fun projects for the young designer. Contains pre-cut cotton squares; pillow stuffing; needle and pins; thread; scissors and illustrated instructions. Recommended for ages 7 and up. Warning: choking hazard-small parts. Not for children under 3 years. Imported.
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don't waste your money June 28, 2011
By pnelson
Durability: Educational: Fun:
I bought 2 of these on sale at JoAnn's for my daughter and her friend.The box shows pretty patchwork pillows made with different fabric, however when both boxes were opened; there was a stack of badly cut material, all of which was the same floral print with exception of 2 thin (almost sheer) pieces of red on top, so instead we used some of my fabric stash.There is only enough stuffing for one small pillow (unless you wanted to make tiny doll pillows). There is one spool of red thread and a needle.The directions would not even begin to help an adult, much less a kid, and while I'm sure that they assume adult supervision and help...unless the adult is familiar with basic patchwork....they are useless.Seriously, you would be better off buying a bag of stuffing, a charm pack (you can get around 42 - 5" squares of coordinating material), and a matching thread to use. If you aren't familiar with patchwork...there are tons of tutorials online.
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Product Features
- Introduction to quilting
- Includes pre-cut squares, stuffing, needles, pins, thread, scissors and instructions
- Fun activity kit
- Not for children 3 and under
- Warning: choking hazard-small parts
- Fun project for young designer
- Great for the beginner quilter
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